Supergnes APK app Download For Free


Supergnes APK app is an emulator of Super Nintendo, which provides a full sense of game on the console. The original emulator is developed «from scratch» for mobile processors and has no equal in speed. Supergnes APK app was designed to easily find your favorite games on your media via a simple scan. It allows you to choose the right name from the list of games with «covers». Save your game at any time to resume them later from the same place. Select the cheat codes in Supergnes APK app from a huge database of Game Genie ™.

Features of Supergnes APK app:

  • Support of gamepad via USB
  • Fastest emulation with best game compatibility
  • Ultra-fast SuperFX base for playing StarFox and Yoshi
  • SA1 Mario RPG, Kirby!
  • On-screen multi-touch controls with custom actions
  • Selection the size and orientation of the screen, flip the screen
  • Auto games on the cover display
  • Saving games with screen image
  • Hundreds of cheat codes to choose from Supergnes APK app
  • Jump into games with isp it accelerates. skip
  • Supported formats smc, fig, sfc, zip and 7z.
Free Download Supergnes APK 1.6.5

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