How to fix error 2-0x00000047 in Rainbow Six Siege?

Finally! We discovered solution for error 2-0x00000047 that users faced during playing in Rainbow Six Siege. The solution is simple and described above.

The reason of error 2-0x00000047 occurrence lied in DNS, and in order to play normal you just need to flush DNS before starting the game. Also we have to mention that you will have to do it every time you launch the game as it resets after you exit the Rainbow Six Siege.

Metod 1. All you need is CMD and a special code that actually does 2 things – it runs the game and flushes your DNS. So here’s the file:

@echo off


title RSS by ha_borer

ipconfig /flushdns

start /b /w /D»C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege» RainbowSix.exe


set /p «cmd=%cd%>»



goto cmd

All you need to do is to copy these lines in notepad and save it with .bat extension. Also you need to change it type to All types and save it on the desktop. Note that you game folder may differ so change the pathway to the game in your own way.

Metod 2. The another method for solving the problem with error 2-0x00000047 is described in a followed video:

Metod 3. Also you can try to change the DNS settings on your computer to Google Public DNS. How to change the DNS details can be found here — Using Google Public DNS.

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