In this article we are going to present all working methods to fix 0xc000007b error in DOOM. So, how to fix error 0xc000007b in DOOM?
Method 1
Be sure to install the Directx latest version. We recommend to install DirectX End-User Runtimes software, which can be downloaded on Microsoft official site.
Method 2
Download Dll file here, extract it, and then copy X3DAudio1_7.dll into DOOM installation directory. Run the game and if the solution did not help you, try tne next method.
Method 3
Download Dependency Walker 64bit here – ссылку на скачивание and extract it. Run the program, follow to View > Full paths. Then open Dark Souls 3.exe file in it, where you will face with an error, ignore it. By the way there will be much more “Error openning file” errors located in Module section, so scroll down until you will see values in columns.
In CPU column all dll files should be for x64 bit ones in case of DOOM. If it is a x86 dll file then it will be located in red CPU column. This is the file that causes 0xc000007b error and also prevents DOOM from launching.
Visit and download there 64bit version of needed dll file and then copy it to DOOM installation directory. Game should now run without any problems.