How to Fix Errors, Crashes, Black Screen and FPS Issues, DLL issues and other in Dishonored 2?

In this article we preent solution on how to fix Errors, Crashes, Black Screen and FPS Issues, DLL issues and other in Dishonored 2, which was releaed rcently for all famous platforms. This game presents you the sequel to the very successful first part of the series but even with it popularity you have to pay attention on some errors which you will be faced with.

How to fix Crashes on Startup in Dishonored 2

Download the latest drivers

How to fix Black Screen in Dishonored 2

Install the latest version of DirexctX.

Install the latest version of Visual C++.

Whitelist the game in antivirus firewall.

How to fix Low FPS Issue in Dishonored 2

For Nvidia:

  1. Open Nvidia Control Panel and go to Manage 3D Settings.
  2. Open Program Settings and find Dishonored 2.
  3. Use Maximum Pre-rendered Frames.


  1. Switch off Vsync in the game
  2. Launch Dishonored 2 in the fullscreen mode.
  3. Shutdown HBAO+ in settings.

How to fix D3D11 Swap Chain Failed Error in Dishonored 2

Update your Windows OS

How to fix Mouse Sensitivity in Dishonored 2?

  1. Follow the path: C:\Users\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\dishonored2\base\dishonored2Config.cfg and open the file with Notepad.
  2. Search for Smooth
  3. Change g_mousesmooth option from 1 to 0 and save the file
  4. Make .ini file READ ONLY.

How to fix Dll Error in Dishonored 2?

  1. Download DLL Files Client.
  2. Find the missing DLL file with the help of search tab.
  3. Open results and click the button to install the neede file.

Dishonored 2 crashes after logo

  • Check the integrity of Steam cache
  • Start the game in fullscreen mode

Dishonored 2 does not run on the laptop

Check that Dishonored 2 is using the discrete graphics card rather than integrated graphics. You can do this in the video drivers control panel.

Low frame rate in Dishonored 2 on AMD graphics cards

Before you use the program you want to download, do not forget to add it .exe-file Dishonored 2. It is located in the game folder — C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Dishonored2.

Download RadeonPro and go to the Advanced tab (Advanced)

And click on «Flip Queue Size» and set there a maximum

Low frame rate in Dishonored 2 on Nvidia graphics cards

  1. Go to the NVIDIA Control Panel
  2. Go to Manage 3D-settings and program settings
  3. Select Dishonored 2, then set the maximum frame preference


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