How to fix Crashes, Errors, Black Screen Issues, Connection problems, Launch issues in Need for Speed?

Need for Speed is famous game franchise rebooted last year on game consoles of new generation. The PC version development took longer time and now results are clear. PC version of Need for Speed has fewer errors and crashes in comparison with earlier iterations.

In this article we have compiled a solutions list for the issues with the game from internet various sources. Feel free to use Solutions for Need for Speed Crashes, Errors, Black Screen Issues, Connection problems, Launch issues and more to play the game without any problems.

#1 Need for Speed: How to Disable Film Filter

Game has a film grain effect that is enabled by default. In order to disable it follow the recommendations below:

  1. Follow the path: Documents\Need for Speed\settings
  2. Open the PROFILEOPTIONS_profile file using Notepad
  3. Find the line FilmGrain 1 and change it to GstRender.FilmGrain 0
  4. Save file and close.
  5. Launch the game.

#2 Crashes during Need for Speed launch fix

If Need for Speed crashes while launching, try each of the following solutions:

  • Verify the game cache files integrity in Steam
  • Update Graphics card drivers to the latest version
  • Shutdown all background processes with Anti-virus software while playing the Need for Speed

#3 Need for Speed fix for Black Screen issues

This problem has been persistent among game fans which prevents them from getting into the game. A simple workaround can let you bypass this issue using functionality of windowed mode. Follow the recommendations below to solve the problem.

If the black screen occurs, please, don’t exit the Need for Speed. Press key combination Alt-Enter to switch to the windowed mode, but don’t forget that you can’t interact with the game in this moment.

After the tutorial ends, turn on the map. Choose PC Settings, turn on Full screen.

#4 Need for Speed Connection Error Message fix

Be sure to have persistent internet connection for Need for Speed’s launch as game requires it even to single player mode.

#5 Need for Speed crashes after Tutorial

Reports of the Need for Speed crashing during loading screen after path through the tutorial have been too frequent since the game release. It is a common problem for users running Windows 8 and dual AMD graphics card. In order to fix this problem, follow one of the following solutions:

  • Update your AMD Graphics Card Drivers to the latest version
  • Switch off Crossfire functionality

#6 Need for Speed: How to Increase Render Resolution

If you don’t like default render resolution in Need for Speed, you can increase with one method. To increase Render Resolution without affecting the game resolution, follow the recommendations below:

  • Go to Steam, open Origin library and select Game Properties.
  • In the field box write -Render.ResolutionScale 1.5 or -Render.ResolutionScale 2.0.
  • Apply changes and quit.
  • Launch the game.

If you faced with other problems other than listed above, be sure to share it in the comments section with the community. Our team will try to find the solution for it ASAP.

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