How to fix White Screen in Dark Souls 3?

Upon launching Dark Souls 3 it may crash or present the appearence of white screen. It is necessary to open options.ini file to change the default resolution that can fix the issue for you.

Method 1

You may to adjust your setting below 1080p as it is not ideal by but it can help to run the game.

Method 2

Disable SLI seems to boot okish (its a bit tempremental but will load)

Method 3

Wait for the white screen, then click the mouse to get the spinning donut of doom. Hit wait for program to respond. give it a few seconds screen might flicker and then the game loads. 

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4 комментария
  1. Sica 13.04.2016 in 21:14

    I don’t find options.ini file. Where is it?

  2. Matt 25.04.2016 in 03:59

    Same here, no options.ini file

  3. Manou 26.04.2016 in 22:19

    There is no options.ini in all my PC

  4. InstitutFuerZ 28.03.2019 in 13:43

    The author probably means the GraphicsConfig.xml which is located in the AppData/Roaming/DarkSoulsIII folder that is reached by pressing WIN + R and typing %appdata%


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