Many gamers after the release of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen faced with different errors, like sound and graphics problems, black screen. In this guide we will help you to solve them quickly.
What to do if PC turns itself off while playing in Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen?
If, during playing in Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen your PC had powered off during the most dynamic scenes and cinematics, it may indicate that your PC card is overloaded. This is what causes tripping protection and automatic shutdown.
In the event of such a problem, be sure to turn off the Steam overlay and restart the game. This will reduce the load on the graphics card.
Also, an excessive load may occur if the card works on outdated drivers. Check for updates and install more recent versions.
What to do if Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen has problems with sound and black screen?
Quite often there is an issue where Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen users face with a black screen or rather quiet sound. All these problems are solved by manually editing system files of the game.
To get rid of a black screen inf Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen:
- Go to the game directory and find the file settings.ini (It is also in the config.ini in C:/Users/NAME/AppData/Loc
al/CAPCOM/DRAGONS DOGMA DARK ARISEN ). - Open it with any text editor.
- Locate V-Sync and unplug it.
If there are problems with sound and its volume:
- Open the config file with a text editor.
- Find STEREO and type ON. The problem appears when the system is configured to use the audio format Surround.
After editing the file, save the changes and restart the game.
What to do if error occurred after changing the graphics settings in Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen?
After editing the graphics settings in Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen there may be a system error, which would entail game shutdowm. After the re-start of the game, it may also report an error.
To resolve such a problem, do the following:
- Follow the path C:/Users/NAME/ AppData/Local/CAPCOM/DRAGONS DOGMA DARK ARISEN, where NAME is the name of your profile in Windows.
- Locate and delete the file config.ini.
- Restart the game.
At this stage, the developers confirm the existence of problems in the game settings, as well as during their save. To avoid crashes, try not to change the graphics settings all at once. Change one parameter, and save the changes after each edit. It’s pretty boring and time consuming process, but in this case, the error does not happen.
The config file fix for the sound issue doesn’t work. «STEREO» is under [GRAPHICS], not under [AUDIO]. From what’s been said, it appears to be an option for a 3D feature on PCs with the right setup. It supposedly means «STEREO 3D». So unfortunately, no; it will not fix the audio problem.