I have accidentally bought some premium items in Wargaming game. Can I get the gold back?

I have accidentally bought some premium items (ammo, camoflage, consumables) in the game. Can I get the gold back?

Every player is fully responsible for every action made on his account, whether it is for World of Tanks, World of Warplanes or any other game made by Wargaming.net. It does not matter if it was purchasing or selling a tank or ammunition, or even dismissing a crewmember, when the action has been made, there is no turning back.

Nevertheless, please don’t think we don’t care about these uncomfortable situations. As a matter of a fact, we do care greatly about your wellbeing and satisfaction while playing our games, which is why, with almost every update, we introduce security measures for every one of our products to prevent accidental actions. Such features includes:

  • Removing “dismiss” buttons from the frequently used menus.
  • Having to type final sale prices before confirming a sale.
  • Introducing confirmation boxes when researching or purchasing  vehicles.

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