How to fix error MIKE 20170241 in Tom Clancy’s The Division?

Starting from few days ago many players started to complain about the existence of MIKE 20170241 error in Tom Clancy’s The Division. In this article we present all possible solutions that can fix this issue.

Actually there is no actual solution for this problems as it is connected with the Ubisoft servers that cannot work properly due to the overload. Thus the only possible thing to do is to wait until servers will restore work correctly.

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8 комментариев
  1. marco 27.03.2016 in 16:44

    New game and this happen a lot is not cool you spend 70 dollar game and you cant i been play…great

  2. das 28.03.2016 in 14:20

     never buy any game from ubishit 

  3. Pete v 29.03.2016 in 19:13

    Way o way can’t they fix this 

  4. Stephen W 30.03.2016 in 19:34

    I have been waiting for this game for a long time now I don’t even get a chance to play it GREAT!

  5. Stephen W 30.03.2016 in 19:39

    I have been waiting for this game for a long time now I don’t even get a chance to play it GREAT 

  6. Proud rebelscum 04.05.2016 in 18:36

    Tom clancy games used to be great we used to play rb6 Vegas for hours it was great I’d have sore ribs from laughing for days but rb6 seige  is crap but division is the worst game I’ve played and when I can be bothered to have another go this sh$#come on guys sort ya life out

  7. Fuqreality 29.05.2016 in 22:48

    The word of today is patience. It will resolve itselF

  8. bmwzibner 18.12.2016 in 16:01

    tumach hekers on server gujs,ubisoft protekcion vort for shit , aj hev problem mike c -17- 1029 1 mams


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