The Witcher 3 — fixing friezes / errors for NVidia videocards

If your video card has NVidia production and you have a problem with the appearance of a black screen or different friezes in The Witcher 3 — update your video driver.

Be sure to install executable files from redist and directx, which are located in the directory with the game. Some players have reported that the latest drivers for video card worsen game and return back to earlier versions of drivers.

It helps them (in their own words) to address some errors. We are not sure about the logic of such actions, but maybe it is worth a try? If Witcher 3: Wild Hunt retarding and you have NVidia video card, then follow these steps:

  • Open the NVidia Control Panel;
  • Go to the «Manage Settings 3D»;
  • Next, select the settings in the software for The Witcher 3;
  • Set the power management in the «preferred maximum performance».

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