Solution for Hurtworld Crashes, Errors, Steam Errors, Lag, low FPS and DLL

Hurtworld represents the new one survival game released on Steam, and right now many gamers seem to have issues while playing the game. We present the best known solution.


Solution for Hurtworld Crash during

In case of crashing during joining server you can hear background noise which goes with an error which tells you to redownload Hurtworld and also add new folder for installation. That is definitely programming bug. Be sure to use latest drivers. We advise to use update tool to renew drivers quickly.

Solution for Hurtworld SLI

For thos fix you will need to things: Nvidia Inspector and EVGA Precision X

After you installed this programs, launch Nvidia Control Panel and follow the next path: 3D Settings > Program Settings > Select Rust.exe, There you will need to change SLI rendering mode to another Force alternate frame. Press Apply!

Then launch Nvidia Inspector and choose profile settings. Find there RUST. Below the title you will find EXE files in green color. If you have only rust.exe you will need to add there also RustClient.exe. Press Add Application to Current Profile and find in your Rust folder file called Rustclient.exe

Afterwards press Show Unknown Settings. In the tab Unknown find line MULTICHIP_OGL_OPTIONS and change it to 0x00000002. At the top right apply the changes. If you want that this solution worked you need to launch Rust in Fullscreen dependent on the resolution. Run RUST and open EVGA Precision X.

After RUST launch you will see huge indicator about SLI run. If you cannot find it than something is wrong. Check out EVGA Precision X and find how GPU2 looks like, you should understand that it hasn’t to look like this so your GPU is idling.

If everything works well, just change SLI indicator line with MCSFRSHOWSPLIT_DISABLED.

Hurtworld Steam Error solution

If you use32 bit Windows and receive this error you need to ask for refund because Hurtworld doesn’t support 32 bit version.

Lag/FPS Fix solution

In case of low FPS check the use of graphics card by default. Sometimes such bug arises too.

For users of Nvidia:

  • Go to Nvidia Control Panel
  • Press Manage 3D Settings
  • Press “Add”
  • Find Hurtworld and click it
  • Press “Preferred graphics processor”
  • Choose your dedicated graphics card
  • Press “Apply”

AMD users have to upgrade to Crimson and repeat similar process.

Connection Lag solution

In case of connection lags just use this lag fier tool to fix Hurtworld.

Missing DLL solution

In case if you miss some DLL files, find them on the web or just use DLL fixer tool.

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2 комментария
  1. kuba 26.03.2016 in 19:17

    how do i make a new folder

    • kuba helper 27.06.2016 in 21:00

      delete system 32


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