How to Evolve a Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

Initially Pokemon GO was released as the game where players can find and catch new Pokemons. But after catching them, you can Evolve or Power Up them to make them more powerful by raising their CP. In this guide you will find out how to Evolve a Pokemon in Pokemon GO easily?

How to Evolve a Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

For evolving a Pokemon you need to have Candies and Stardust. You should now that amount of candy needed depends also on the Pokemon type. Candies will be more useful for Power Up while the Pokemon will be maxed out. After Pokemon evolving, its CP and HP will be increased significantly that means a player will have more chances for battles winning.

  1. Go to Main Menu from Map View and touch your Pokemon for evolving from the list.
  2. On its summary screen, press Evolve.

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