How to Become a Gym Leader to Claim the Gym in Pokemon GO?

Pokemon GO provides you an opportunity to catch Pokemons, fight them and even more. Also you can have your own Pokemon Gym that can be claimed by trainers according to Gym’s Prestige level for protecting it from other players and their avatars. Each Pokemon Gym shall have to Gym Leader who wears a Crown with highest number of Combat Points (CP).

How to become a gym leader in Pokemon GO?

You need to have 5 level to join to the Red, Yellow or even Blue team. Be sure your Avatar has enough CP to fight in Gyms. To win the battle it is necessary to defeat the Gym and after this deplete its Prestige. First, look for nearby Gym and press it to find out its name, level and gym occupants. In order to find out who is the leader, touch the crown, while difficulty level can be determined by finding out the Gym Leader’s Level.

How to become a claim the gym in Pokemon GO?

After defeating all the trainers, be sure to follow the recommendations below for claiming it:

  1. Follow to gray-colored Gym and enter it
  2. Press Add Pokemon located on screen bottom
  3. Choose needed Pokemon for adding it to Gym

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