How to quickly get a lot of experience in Fallout 4

Let’s find out how to quickly get the level 50 and unlock all perks in Fallout 4! This method is most suitable for owners of the console version of Fallout 4. To use this bug, we need two things:

  • Get the magazine «Fences,» which unlocks the construction of «Statues»
  • Have a lot of available copper (about 25,000)

The essence of this method lies in the fact that for each set statue you receive 32 experience points (with intelligence equal to 10). Installing a copper statue gives you 10 points. As a result, we can arrange a huge number of statues and get a ton of experience. We turn the theory into practice.

We need a certain magazine of the series. You can find it in Saugus Ironworks which is occupied by a gang of raiders. Clean the area and destroy the leader, known as Slag. Then pick up a magazine, which is on the floor next to a red chest. In the same area you will find perk «Explosion» (on the remote) and a flaming sword «Shish Kebab»

How to get an unlimited amount of copper?

Statues require a lot of copper, so we need to have it in large quantities. For this we can use another bug:

Buy copper in the armory shop of Arturo Rodriguez (Diamond City)

Set chest next to the bench and put in it all «Trash» things out in addition to copper.

Being in the bench press «Save All» and almost immediately press «Mark all.» Do not press the keys at the same time!

Continue to doing this trick as long as you do not have a sufficient number of copper.

Install statues

Now that you have a sufficient amount of copper, you can start building the statues. We make all the statues so long until we reach the limit of constructed facilities (bar in the upper-right corner). Now we destroy one statue. After such manipulations, we can instantly put the new statue, then quickly disassemble it and put another one. As a result for a couple of keystrokes we will receive 32 experience points!

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