World of Tanks has a very useful function for those players who have a lot of tanks in their garage: Filters. If you suddenly cannot find a specific tank that you know should be in your garage, you have likely accidentally activated one of your filters. You can easily deactivate them in the bottom left of your garage.
You can filter your tanks by the following categories:
- Nation
- Class
- Primary tanks (to set a tank as primary, simply right click the tank and select the option)
In case you are using any modifications that change the appearance of the garage and are having trouble locating a specific tank, please remove these modifications.
The solution in these situations is really simple – you will have to remove the content of the following folder:
…\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\current version
After performing the removal, you can launch the game client once again. If there are no issues, you can start to look up for the updated version of your modifications, which are compatible with the latest client version.
Remove only the content inside of the current version folder. Never remove the folder „res_mods“ or the one with current version number (e.g. “0.8.11”). Existence of these folders is important, even if there are no modifications used. If you do remove the current versions folder, simple create a new folder and rename it accordingly.