How to enable Silverlight in Google Chrome?

Since Google Chrome version 42, users are faced with the fact that the Silverlight plug-in does not work in this browser. Given the fact that the web has a significant amount of content produced using this technology, the problem is quite relevant (used alone and more than one browser — it is not the optimal solution). The reason that the Silverlight plug-in does not start on Chrome latest versions is that Google refused to support NPAPI plug-ins in browser and just since version 42, such support is disabled by default.

How do I enable microsoft silverlight in Google Chrome?

In order to enable the Silverlight plug-in, first of all, you need to include support for NPAPI again on Chrome, for this follow the steps listed below (in this case, the very Microsoft Silverlight plug-in must be installed on your computer).

In the browser address bar enter the address chrome: // flags / # enable-npapi — this will open the page with the configuration of the experimental Chrome features and on top of the page you will see the highlighted option «Enable NPAPI», click «Enable» .

Restart your browser, go to the page where Silverlight is required, right-click on the place where the content should be and select «Run this plug-in» context menu.

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