Fallout 4 guide: how to set up mouse movement

After the first run of Fallout 4 many faced with the problem of delays in the mouse movement, which is caused by vertical sync. Although there aren’t settings for this option, it was quite simple to disable it. But then another problem surfaced — the speed of the game is tied to the speed of drawing frames, and in small locations where FPS is up to 100-120 or more, the character begins to noticeably faster perform actions and move. It was so difficult to pick locks with this lovely «feature» from the developers, that some are even willing to put up with the delay and enable v-sync back.

Fortunately, we found a solution to both problems.

Put FPS Lock instead of V-sync

Please disable V-sync.

  • C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ Fallout4Prefs.ini

Find the line in this file iPresentInterval = 1 and change the value of 1 to 0. Finish.

Now we need to put the lock. To do this, you need to download version 0.281 of ENBoost. (Why is not 0.283 or higher? Because we worked with 0.281 and can be sure that it all will work. Of course, you can download the new version, it is most likely that it will work with it too).

You need to place the downloaded files in a folder with the game, one of them called enblocal.ini – there we need to find the line EnableFPSLimit = false, and replace false to true. Done! You can enjoy the limitation of 60 frames without mouse lags.

Turning off the smooth movement of mouse

Yes, except for lag due to v-sync you need to fix the mouse smoothing. In principle, this problem can be solved with the above-mentioned Configuration Tool, so it’s the instruction for those who do not want to put it for whatever reasons.

Well, we need to modify three files by adding a following line:

bForceIgnoreSmoothness = 1

The first file:

  • C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ Fallout4.ini

Go to the section [Controls] add a line to the bottom of this section to section [Grass].

The second file:

  • C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ Fallout4Prefs.ini

The one we used earlier. We need the bottom section [Display]. There are a lot of lines, the easiest way to find the section [Imagespace], and insert a new line above it — this is the bottom section [Display].

The third file:

  • C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Fallout4 \ Fallout4Prefs.ini

This is for those who have Steam version. For everyone else it will be just the folder where the game is installed itself.

We do the same as in the preceding paragraph. Done!

How to fix asymmetric mouse sensitivity

In our game by default scope moves not symmetrical horizontally and vertically. To fix this:

  • Open the C: \ Users \ username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ Fallout4.ini, find the line fMouseHeadingYScale = .021 and change to fMouseHeadingYScale = .03738

This is solution for monitor 16:9. If you have another, just multiply 0.021 by the appropriate factor.

Remember that if you change something in the launcher, all your modifications to the three above-named files will fly away.

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