It’s time to say goodbye to the society, because of Fallout 4 release. The game is available on all platforms, once again reminding about who did it, because there is still very much space for optimization. Even it is something as difficult to believe that the development was almost completed in the summer, and the rest of the time was dedicated to the optimization.
# 1 Fallout 4 crashes on startup
Install the latest Nvidia and AMD driver. First was just released by Fallout
Disconnect the VPN and turn off anti-virus, if they work.
Run the game in windowed mode by setting configuration to run
If anything does not work, restart the machine, set the DirectX 11 under the net, install older drivers — for September or October and run Fallout 4 with smaller settings in window mode
# 2 Fallout 4 crashes during loading
Make sure that the Afterburner, antiviruses and recording programs does not work on background.
After it verifies the cache, start the game again.
# 4 Fallout 3 crashes on AMD
Roll back to an earlier version of high-grade drivers and make sure that you have verified files of Fallout 4 on Steam.
# 4 Increasing the frame rate in Fallout 4 on Nvidia
Put new drivers. Disconnect Nvidia Streamer and Geforce Experience.
# 5 Bug with mouse acceleration
- Open Fallout4Prefs.ini in the game folder and set the value 0 to iPresentInterval.
- Find bForceIgnoreSmoothness and put 1.
# 6 Fallout 4 freezes
Make sure that your configuration is suitable for Fallout 4.
If you have a pirated version, then this is your punishment.
If you have a license to Steam – verify files of Fallout 4, put the latest drivers, reboot the machine and make the installation of Fallout 4 under the net. Ensure that Steam is still part of the spool file.
# 7 How to remove frame rate restriction in Fallout 4
If you have a limit on the frequency with V-Sync, run the game in windowed mode. Open Fallout4Prefs.ini in your game, find iPresentInterval and put the value 1.
# 8 Write disk error in Fallout 4
Make sure you have enough space on the disk.
# 9 Fallout 4 launch in custom resolution
bTopMostWindow = 1
bMaximizeWindow = 1
bBorderless = 1
bFull Screen = 0
Height iSize H =
Width iSize W =
The same actions must be done in the second file Fallout4Prefs.ini, which is located in the folder with Steam.
I completed sky fortres and the game says canot find save data must start new game HELP PLEASE!!
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