Fallout 4 guide: How to install mods with the help of Nexus Mod Manager

Manual installation of mods in Fallout 4 like any other game may not be easy. There is always the risk of doing something wrong, as you compromise the integrity of file or damage the folder that will lead to exciting process of reinstalling and other dances with a tambourine around the campfire. And you will have no wasteland until solving your problems.

Fortunately, Nexus Mod Manager exists specifically to address this problem. This is a simple and fast way to download, install, enable, disable, and delete mods in Fallout 4 through one common interface.

To get started: How to enable modding in Fallout 4:

  • Navigate to the Fallout 4 folder, which should be on this path: «Documents / My Games / Fallout 4»
  • This folder will have series of files with the extension .ini, locate the files «Fallout4Prefs.ini» and «Fallout4.ini»
  • Right-click> Properties. Make sure that no files are marked as «Read only»
  • Open Fallout4Prefs.ini in text editor (Notepad ++).
  • Go to the bottom and find the line [Launcher].
  • Immediately after it, insert the following text:

bEnableFileSelection = 1

  • Save, close
  • Open Fallout4.ini with the same editor
  • Find the line: sResourceDataDirsFinal = STRINGS \
  • Replace with the following text:
  • Save, close

Now you are ready for modding.

Go to the Nexus Mod Manager and download it. Install it.

Now, just go to the Nexus Mods, find mods you are interested in in the Files section and download it using the Nexus Mod Manager. Next, open the file manager where you can enable and disable it, or completely remove if necessary.

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