How to fix sound issues after upgrade to Windows 10?

The newest system from Microsoft, Windows 10, brought users a list of bugs, problems with installation and errors that appears after the update. One of these is a bug about sound problems on Windows 10 “In Windows 10 there is no sound”. found a way to fix this problem the reason of which is a bug in the audio settings Windows 10. It has been confirmed that the sound still missing even after installing necessary audio drivers from the sound card manufacturer.

sound issues after upgrade to Windows 10

How to fix this pesky bug in Windows 10? There are some ways to solve this problem.

Step 1. Click the right button of the mouse on the icon in the task bar (which placed in the lower right corner of the screen) then you should choose Playback Devices from the context menu.

Step 2. Choose the active device. Usually speakers are set here by default. Double-click on the line of device –will open the properties menu.

Step 3. Go to the Advanced Settings and change the bitrate, depending on the configuration speakers: 24bit/44100 Hz or 24bit/192000Hz.

If methods listed above didn’t help you, you can try another way to restore the sound.

Step 1. Click on the Start menu, choose Device Manager and run it.

Step 2. Choose the point Sound and Audio Devices.

Step 3. Click on the current audio-driver with the right button of the mouse and select Delete.

Step 4. Finally, click on Search devices and the updated driver will install automatically.

That is all. Now your speakers will should sound without problems .If you still have some problems with the sound , you should try to install the last sound card drivers for Windows 10. You can find them on the manufacturer’s site.

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