Mod SweetFX for XCOM 2


SweetFX for XCOM 2 — This mod for better graphics in games, without compromising performance.

How to install SweetFX for XCOM 2

  1. Extract reshade in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\Binaries\Win64
  2. After that you need to run the ReShade Setup.exe, select the exe file of the game in the window that opens (XCom2.exe).
  3. If everything was done correctly, then when the game starts to appear inscriptions version SveetFH name and authorship. The default mode is already enabled. Turn off by pressing the button SCROLL LOCK.

How to delete SweetFX

Delete all files that have been added to the game directory.

Download Mod SweetFX for XCOM 2

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