XCOM 2 is a sequel to the beloved by many XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The game had passed the twenty years since, mankind has lost the battle for the Earth and the alien invaders have put their world order.
Gamers have already begun their «freedom struggle», but there are some questions about the game, such as how to set the resolution higher than 1080p. This guide will help you to do this.
How to change resolution in XCOM 2 higher than 1080p?
- Go to C:\Users\???\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config
- Back up your files
- Open XComEngine
- Find the values ResX and ResY (X — horizontal resolution, Y – vertical resolution) and change to the desired settings, for example, 3840×2160
- Save and run the game. Enjoy.
Note: Do not make any changes to the settings of the game, otherwise the resolution will change to the one that is selected in the settings.
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there are two different spots in xcom engine for res y and x do i change both?