Operating System Remix OS reached version 3.0, so we decided to upgrade our installation instructions for this exciting platform. Recall, Remix OS — it’s Android, adapted for use on a full-fledged computers, laptops and hybrid tablets.
System requirements of Remix OS 3.0:
- Dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 2 GHz or better;
- 2 GB of RAM or more;
- At least 8 GB of free disk space;
- Access to the Internet.
Links to download Remix OS 3.0:
Remix OS 3.0.102 64-bit (torrent, mirrors).
Remix OS 3.0.102 32-bit (torrent, mirrors).
How to install Remix OS 3.0 on your computer?
The easiest way to install Remix OS 3.0 on your computer — use the official tool for those who have a computer with a modern Windows. All operations with your computer you are at your own risk.
How to install:
- First, download the desired image on the link above (the best torrent). Unzip the downloaded file in any folder on your computer.
- Locate and run the file Remix_OS_for_PC_Installation_Tool.exe.
- Click ISO File column on the button «Browse» and select the iso-image file that is located in the same folder.
- Reserve «Hard Drive» in the column «Type». In the column «Media» drive C is selected by default, or any other, which is installed your Windows. It is better to leave as is. Click «OK», select the preferred volume for the disk Remix OS, and confirm the selection.
- Wait for the installation and restart your computer. The program prompts you to restart the computer immediately, and that needs to be done.
- During the restart, the computer does not start up Windows, but first prompts you to select between it and Remix OS.
Installation on a USB Flash Drive
Also, developers provide the ability to create a bootable flash drive with Remix OS 3.0, which works for example on LiveCD.
How to do it:
- As in the previous instructions, download the desired image on the link above (the best torrent). Unzip the downloaded file in any folder on your computer.
- Locate and run the file Remix_OS_for_PC_Installation_Tool.exe.
- Click ISO File column on the button «Browse» and select the iso-image file that is located in the same folder.
- Under «Type» choose «USB device,» and in the «Media» — mark the desired USB-drive. Click «OK» and wait for the installation. Restart the computer.
- In the first few seconds of starting the computer, press the button to call up an alternate boot menu (F12 at the Dell, F9 on HP, F12 to Lenovo, Option Key on the Mac).
- In the window that appears, select your flash drive.
- You will see a menu with two items — Resident Mode and Guest Mode. Run desired.
Right from the flash drive, you can install on your computer:
- Do not choose anything on the two-point Resident and Guest Mode, but instead press the Tab key.
- Erase all the text appears, and then type / kernel initrd = / initrd.img root = / dev / ram0 androidboot.hardware = remix_x86_64 INSTALL = 1 DEBUG =
- The installer starts a typical Linux distribution, where you need to select the partition and make few simple manipulations.
- The result will be installed Remix OS with Grub bootloader – it can also be used alongside with Windows.
How to remove Remix OS 3.0 from PC?
Operating System Remix OS 3.0 is very easy to remove from your computer if you have installed it under Windows. It is enough to run the same utility that is installed. It detects system on the disk and offer to remove it.
Also, there is another way to remove Remix OS, but also from Windows:
- Navigate to the folder C:\RemixOS\
- Locate UninstallRemixOS.exe file and run it.
- Agree with the removal and wait until the operation is completed.
- The program will remove the system and clean the Windows boot loader.