Final Fantasy XV guide: How To Get The Strongest Sword

Final Fantasy XV presents tons of different weapons for player. They can be divided on Swords, Great Swords, Polearms, Daggers, Firearms,  and others. In this article you will find out how to Get The Strongest Sword in Final Fantasy XV?

Actually the talk will go about Balmung Sword with attack rating 446, that can extremely lethal during the battle with any kind of enemy. So, in order to get The Strongest Sword in Final Fantasy XV:

  1. Complete the campaign
  2. Complete all dungeon quests
  3. Receive special Dungeon Seal Key to open any dungeon door.
  4. Find Menace Sleeps during Steyliff quest
  5. Go to dungeon at night
  6. Go through dungeon until you will face 5 Tonberries
  7. Kill them and receive Balmung Sword.

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