After the release of DOOM 2016 many players started to complain about problems that are related to absence of fullscreen in DOOM. In this article we present working solutions that are related to fixing this problem related to no fullscreen in DOOM.
Method 1
In order to implement this fix you will need the controller. So let’s start:
- Firstly, be sure that scaling is set to off in AMD or Nvidia Control Panels to preserve aspect ration.
- Load DOOM and set the highest resolution in the game as you can. Then save it and close the game.
- Change the resolution of the desktop to whatever you set in DOOM and, please, ensure that your graphics card setting were set to the same.
- Restar the system.
- Load the game.
- The resolution will make the screen almost unvisible that is why you need to use controller now.
- Select single player
- Select your game.
- Open settings.
- Press Video.
- With the help of controller press button to go 4 lines down and press select.
- Go 3 lines up to select the needed setting again.
- Save the changes.
After this actions the DOOM resolution should match to the set one earlier and also must be in a full screen mode. Enjoy!
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