How to solve the problem with black screen in Fallout 4


The problem of a black screen is quite common in Fallout 4. Bug reports with a black screen come from many gamers. When you start the game you only see a black screen, and the process does not respond, check the directions below. The solution has helped a large number of gamers.

  • And so, for a start, navigate to the root folder and run the game launcher Fallout4Launcher.exe.
  • After you run the launcher on your screen, a window will appear with the possibility to start the game or open the settings, so open the settings.
  • In the settings, select the maximum available resolution.
  • At the end of the window put a tick in front of the parameter «Window Mode» and «Windows without frames».
  • Next you need to change the resolution of your desktop, the most important thing to choose the size that you specified in the game launcher.

Done! The game runs in windowed mode, but on the entire screen. And the problem with a black screen should be decided.

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3 комментария
  1. cipheruk 09.09.2016 in 11:07

    An elegant and well written solution, at least for me. Thank you very much.

  2. Coltonious 21.12.2016 in 06:15

    It didnt work for me ;-;

  3. Zombie 29.08.2017 in 09:30

    worked for me thanks


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