How to fix The Rockstar update service is unavailable (code 2) in GTA 5 on PC

Have you encountered the error «The Rockstar update service is unavailable (code 2).» when you run GTA 5?

How to fix The Rockstar update service is unavailable (code 2) in GTA 5 on PC

In this case, there is a simple solution to this problem. This solution works on Windows 10 64-bit and Windows 8 /8.1. This decision provides that you will need to reinstall the game. Perform the following steps to solve the problem:

  1. Open the folder Documents / My Documents, and then — «Rockstar Games»;
  2. Delete folder «GTA V» and «Social Club»;
  3. Uninstall GTA V and make sure that the folder from the previous installation did not have any files.
  4. If the folder «Grand Theft Auto V» cannot be removed automatically — do it manually;
  5. Now re-install the game on your C drive, or on the drive where you installed the operating system. The error occurs because of game installation to other drives. For some reason, because of location on different drives, there is a communication problem between the game and Social Club.

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