Microsoft fixes Anniversary Update’s login freeze in Windows 10

Windows 10 users had many good reasons to install the Anniversary Update at the beginning of August, even if most changes were incremental. Less loved were the handful of serious bugs that came with it, from breaking webcams to systemwide crashes when users plugged in e-readers. But its worst offense was freezing when users logged in on devices that put their operating system on one logical drive and app data on another. Split users, your ship has come in: Microsoft patched the error in an auto-update on August 31st.
For users still experiencing the issue and can’t log in to download the update, there are two workarounds. First, if you have a second administrator account, log in with that to install the patch. If not, use the «go back» feature to uninstall the Anniversary Update to go back to Windows 10 vanilla; if you’re unsure how, check out Microsoft’s tech forum for step-by-step instructions. Then head to the operating system’s download page and click «Update Now.» But as for the other bugs, prepare to wait: The only fix on the way is a partial one for the webcam freeze, which should arrive sometime in September.