How to download a file from the Internet on iPhone?


Many iPhone and iPad users mistakenly believe that their mobile devices can not download files from the Internet. In fact, there is large number of a ways to download any type of files from the web on the iPhone and iPad. We we talk about the most convenient and simplest of them in this manual.

To download files from the Internet on the iPhone you will need a file manager. The App Store presented a great many of them, but the most successful are — Loader, Documents and File Manager. Each of these applications work on the same principle, but our final choice fell on Documents. Two main reasons — the lack of extra features and built-in purchases.

Use any file manager to upload files of different types from the Internet on the iPhone or iPad is very simple.

How to download a file from the Internet on the iPhone

Step 1. Start the Safari browser, go to the page that you want to download the file and click on the download link.

Step 2. Click «Open with [Name_file_manager]» On the next page.

Step 3. After the request to start downloading a file to the specified file manager. When it’s over (the time depends on the file size and connection speed to the Internet), a file manager application opens.

This is such a simple way you are downloading files on iPhone and iPad. But what to do with them now? They never will be in the memory of a dead weight?

Fortunately, no. File Managers from the list we have listed, allow you to perform various operations with files, including unpacking the files, view videos, photos, documents, and their further shipment to other people, either installed on the iPhone and iPad app.

How to download the file directly in the desired application

In many cases, the desired file from the Internet must be loaded directly into an application for further work with them. In this case, the file manager used optionally.

Step 1. Start the Safari browser, go to the page that you want to download the file and click on the download link.

Step 2. On the next page click on «More» and select the application where you want to place the file.

Step 3. The file downloads from the Internet at the specified application on the iPhone or iPad.

How to download videos from YouTube on iPhone and iPad

Method to download videos from YouTube on Apple mobile devices requires special mention. It is not in its complexity, and in particular boot. As before, you can cope with the task by file manager.

Step 1. Launch the file manager «loader».

Step 2. With built-in browser app, go to YouTube and find the video you want to download to your iPhone or iPad.

Step 3. As soon as the video, the application will offer to download it to your device. Click «Download.»

Step 4. During the boot process, you can see on the Downloads tab.

After the download is completed, open the video, having no access to the Internet, visit the «Files» tab.

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