How to install older version of apps on the iPhone & iPad

Fairly common situation — you update an application or game and instead of improved performance and new features you get completely unoperated app. Developers of all stripes avoid similar missteps when roll back from a new version to the old one is possible only with a tool Charles Proxy.

Charles Proxy is a useful program that may also be helpful in those cases where the new versions of applications or games some features have been removed. We want to note that in spite of the apparent complexity, any user can install an older version of any application. The main thing — clearly follow the instructions. In this guide we set one of the first versions of Instagram on the iPad.

How to install older version of apps on the iPhone & iPad

How to Re-install Older Version of Apps on the iPhone & iPad

Step 1. Download, install and launch Charles for Windows or Mac (Download Charles)

Step 2. Launch iTunes and start to download the app, older version of which you want to install on iPhone or iPad

Step 3. In Charles tab choose iTunes server, from which the application downloads with the word «buy». Right click on the name of the server and select Enable SSL Proxying

Step 4. Go to iTunes window and stop the app downloading

Step 5. Find the necessary app in iTunes again and start its download again

Step 6. Go to Charles window and find another line with word «buy» — this is the object that we are looking for. Go back iTunes and stop the application download

Step 7. Open branch with the word «buy» in Charles and find buyProduct line

Step 8. Choose buyProduct line and press Response, where you will have to mention display type for XML Text

Step 9. After softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers line, you will see the next lines:







Where the seven-digit number is the version number located in the ascending order. In our example, we rolled the Instagram to truly ancient version 1.8.7 build number, which was the first in the list. In practice, it is necessary to roll back to the previous version, so it is advisable to choose the build number (the one that is enclosed in a tag <integer>) as close to the final version.

Step 10. Right click on buyProduct and press Edit

Step 11. ChooseXML Text and find the line:



Where XXXX — the latest version of the application. Instead XXXX you need to insert the copied in Step 9 value, then click Execute. In our example, we changed the number 2948163 to 81542337, thus rolling away the latest version of Instagram to the earliest.

Step 12. Right click buyProduct again and press Breakpoints

Step 13. Go to iTunes, find your app and press Ctrl + R в Windows. Then start the tool downloading

Step 14. A moment after you press the download button, you will be carried in Charles, where you have to switch to the screen Edit Request —> XML Text. In <string>XXXX</string> instead of «XXX» insert build number, copied in 9 Step, then press Execute.

Step 15. The press Execute again

Step 16. Go to iTunes and be sure that app downloading started. Wait for complete downloading

Step 17. In iTunes select the tab «My Software», get your application and make a right click on it then click «Details». Here you can be sure that it downloaded the old version

Step 18. Remove from your iPhone or iPad, the new version of the application you want, connect the device to iTunes and install the old assembly

Step 19. After the end of the synchronization on your smartphone or tablet you will get an older version of the required application

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3 комментария
  1. udanyaorasad 23.01.2016 in 13:08


    • tfadmin 23.01.2016 in 14:01

      Android ?

      • adi 17.10.2016 in 11:04

        lol do you think that google saved ALL app version from the beginning? lol


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