Error GTA5.exe has stopped working is very common among owners of PC-version of GTA 5, below you can find a solution to this problem. Based on previous versions of the GTA, this problem is widespread already at least five years. In this case it may be associated with problems of the game DLL files.
- So, to solve the problem with GTA5.exe has stopped working you will have to find a directory called steamapps, where we need to locate error.log file. It must be opened with notepad, and after the discovery of errors you should find an inscription with the following text: The application caused access violation module in xxxx.dll. Instead XXXXX it will indicate the file name, which is the cause of all ills. In general, while just need to write it down.
- Now you need to download Dll-Files Fixer. You will need to download and install the program and after its opening press Install Dll Files button. You will find a line where you want to enter the file name that you wrote down from the error log, and simply press the set button.
- The program will determine the correct location of the file and in a few minutes it will complete the installation. You can then restart the computer and restart the installation process.
Another option is reduced to a command-line use, where after writing msconfig the window with the system parameters will appear. There we will need to select the Boot tab, and then move it to open the Advanced Settings section. In contrast inscription «number of processors» you need to put a figure of 12, and save your changes. Before re-installation procedure do not forget to reboot your computer.
- Press Windows + R. button and type — «msconfig», then a window will appear with the system parameters;
- Choose the tab «Load or Boot», and then click the button «Advanced options». In contrast inscription «number of processors» you need to put a figure of 12. Save the changes. Then restart your computer and continue the installation process, or start the game.
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