Pokemon GO: overview and guide on catching Pokémon

Ingress and Nintendo released the game together Pokemon GO. It captured the imagination of many teenagers, among whom there are even those that did not watch Pokemon in childhood. Simple and at the same time picked up an interesting concept for mobile gamers around the world. What is this Pokemon GO and how to play it? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in our article.

How to play the Pokemon GO?

Pokemon GO — mobile game, based on the concept of augmented reality. Roughly speaking, it allows you to catch a virtual Pokémon in the real world — on the streets of towns and even small villages. The player moves around the map, revealing the «pocket animals» in different places, sometimes even unexpected. To catch Pokemon, you need to follow the indicators in the special menu to the right of the main screen. It shows how far the Pokemon is up to you: three tracks — well, two – closer, one — very close.


To catch the Pokémon, you must run Pocket Ball (make a swipe gesture in the direction of the animal) into it. The smaller green circle on Pokemon, the higher the chance to get into it. Pocket balls are always limited in number, that is, it is desirable to run right on target.


Additional Pocket balls can get close to a variety of attractions on the map. Match the blue point, it is revealed, open it and untwist plate. Get the eggs and energy. These points can be assigned to any location — from monuments to shopping centers. Pokemon GO uses a database of places from other similar game — Ingress.

Points capture on the map

Teams in Pokemon Go:

  • Team Valor — red. The patron of this team — a fiery bird Moltres. The team’s goal — to train and become the best among all.
  • Team Mystic — blue color. The patron of this team — legendary ice bird Artikuno. The team’s goal — to be calm and stable.
  • Team Instinct — yellow. The patron of this team — bird Zapdos. The team’s goal — to rely on instinct and intuition in battle.

The player who wins all in PokeGym, will lead the training room, and stain it with the colors of his team. Be prepared to part with their Pokémon, if you want to leave it in the training center. The more CP (combat power) pokemon has, the better he fight in battles, and it is more difficult to knock out PokeGym. Fighting force can be increased by boosters.

Any player can come and fight off a point for his team. If you have captured at least one PokeGym, it is possible to receive the award — free bonuses for every 20 hours.

Fighting between the Pokémon goes in a fairly simple format. There is one life hack: to win another animal, just quickly tap on the screen. And if you long press on the screen, you can do to catch the enemy Pokemon.

Pokemon GO mechanics and features

  1. Pokemon may die during the battle. They can resurrect or be exchanged for sweets. Nonfatal wounded «pocket animals» are treated with a special potion or after evolution.
  2. Eggs, which can be found on the blue points, can be enabled to derive new Pokemon. By placing the eggs in the incubator, it is necessary to pass a certain distance on the map, and then hatch a new creature. To accelerate the process, you can use the car — put the eggs in the incubators and got on a bus or a taxi. Newborns do not keep you waiting.


  3. Collect all Pokemon and even weak. Unwanted animals can always be exchanged with Professor candies. And they can pump stronger Pokémon.

Pokemon GO System Requirements

The game works on devices that are suitable for such parameters:

  • Almost any more or less modern processors.
  • Android 4.4 KitKat or later.
  • Good internet — preferably unlimited 3G or 4G.
  • GPS – you can not play without a location.

Pokemon GO drains the device battery — solution

Pokemon GO quickly drain even the most capacious battery. All because of the intensive use of the Internet, GPS, as well as the costs for drawing graphics. But this may be partially correct.

  1. Activate the internal power-saving mode. The game has a mode to save battery power. To enable it, you need to tap on the Pocket Ball on the Home screen → Settings (upper right corner) → Battery Saver.
  2. Do not use augmented reality. When catching Pokemon and the battles between them using augmented reality — in the background, obtained with the camera, add effects and creatures themselves. AR switches in the upper right corner of the screen, you can remove this option. The camera will not expend energy.
  3. Set the brightness of the screen low. If you are out of the house just for the sake of catching Pokemon, it is best to set the screen brightness to the lowest level to use less energy.

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