The Outer Worlds Guide — How to reset a Character


The Outer Worlds Roseway Interior Screenshot

Like any other role-playing game, The Outer Worlds offers a wide variety of skills and abilities that you can unlock as you level up the main character. However, sometimes it can happen that you put ability points in that skill that you rarely use, while you have already outlined more important skills for yourself, but you do not have enough free skill points. In this article, we will show you how to reset your character, having lost all skills and abilities.

And to do this is actually very simple, and this option is available from the very beginning of the game. In fact, you will open access to this mechanic as soon as you get aboard the Hopeless.

To complete the reset, you will need to go to the ship and climb up the stairs. At the very end of the corridor there will be a machine that resets abilities and skills. Once it is discovered, interact with it in a standard way.

Before zeroing a character, remember two important things:

  1. Reset will return you all the spent points of skills and abilities, after which you can invest them wherever you see fit.
  2. The price for reset will increase with each new use of the machine. The first reset has a standard cost of 500 bits. However, subsequent ones will be more expensive. Therefore, zeroing should be done only in extreme cases, and obviously not from the very beginning of the game, if you accidentally put 10-20 skill points (gained for 1-2 levels, respectively) not where you would like to.

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