How to install Interop Unlock in Windows 10 Mobile?

Operating systems iOS and Android has long dominated the market for mobile devices, and enthusiasts have long released special tools for a more «functional» use of their devices. For iOS operation is Jaibreak, and bypassing the Android system can be made with the help of ROOT-rights. During that, as Microsoft is actively developing its mobile platform, enthusiasts got to it too, presenting Interop Unlock for devices running on Windows 10 Mobile, and thanks to the instructions below you will be able to «install» it to your smartphone.

What we need?

To successfully complete the above steps you will need a computer that is running Windows 7 or higher, as well as the Lumia line of smartphones running on Windows 10 Mobile, a smartphone from Samsung, also with Windows 10 Mobile on board. Also, you should be able to install cracked apps on the smartphone via the computer.

All that you will do next according to our instructions, you do at your own risk, so we are not responsible for any damages.

Method #1 — for Lumia smartphones

This method is the easiest, but it works only on Lumia smartphones.

Download the file on your computer, unzip it and install Root_Tool.xap file on your Lumia using programs or WPPT Application Deployment 8.0 (version 8.1 will not work).

On your smartphone open the newly installed program and click on the Lumia Registry Editor.

Click on the «three points», and in the menu that opens, select the item called «Templates».

Then you will see 2 options «Interop/Capability Unlock» and «Full FS Access with MTP» — put ticks for each of them and press Apply.

Method #1 — for Lumia and Samsung smartphones

This method is much more difficult and dangerous, but it also works on smartphones from Samsung. We do not recommend it to perform, but are obliged to publish it for geeks.

  1. Open the Registry Editor on your phone (download the archive from the previous method, and install the file), select it in the item «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE».
  2. Mark the check box titled «Check if we value is DWORD». Next, enter the following values:

Registry path to operate: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DeviceReg\Install

Registry Key: MaxUnsignedApps

Registry Value: 7FFFFFFF — для Lumia и 2147483647 для Samsung

It would seem that most of the work has already been done, but Interop Unlock could fly off. To avoid this, you must do some more manipulations.

  1. Change keys on the next ones:

Registry path to operate: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DeviceReg

Registry Key: PortalUrlInt; Registry Value — http:// (без пробела)

Registry Value: PortalUrlProd; Registry Value — http:// (без пробела)

  1. To open additional opportunities, edit:

Registry path to operate: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SecurityManager\AuthorizationRules\Capability\capabilityRule_DevUnlock

Registry Key: CapabilityClass; Registry Value — capabilityClass_DevUnlock_Internal

Registry Value: PrincipalClass; Registry Value — principalClass_DevUnlock_Internal

Interop Unlock открывает много, невиданных ранее, возможностей для кастомизации (украшения интерфейса): вы можете изменить механизм разблокировки экрана, изменить количество плиток в шторке уведомлений, добавлять много акцентных цветом и многое другое. Но, как это обычно бывает, все хорошо в теории, а на практике не совсем: подробных инструкций по изменению того или иного элемента в системе крайне мало, особенно на русском языке.

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