How to fix errors, bugs and other issues in Mass Effect: Andromeda — solutions for early access

Have you already played Mass Effect Andromeda on PC or just have plans on the weekend? Then keep in mind that, like most releases, new BioWare game will also have many different problems. Fortunately, some of them can be solved independently.

EA published an official mini-guide on various issues. After the release, wait for additional material if other difficulties arise.

# 1 Unable to run Mass Effect Andromeda early access in Origin

If you have Origin Access and you pre-ordered the game, then click on the details button to go to the store. Then click on the version you ordered and the trial button appears on the right side. Click to load early access.

# 2 Black screen when pressing alt + Tab in Mass Effect Andromeda

Make sure you have the Corsair Utility Engine installed. If so, try uninstalling it and run the game.

Another option is to press Alt + Enter to activate the window mode. Change the settings to the windowed mode without a border.

# 3 Mass Effect Andromeda does not start, but works in the task manager

Make sure that your antivirus or firewall does not block ActivationUI.exe. Add the program to the exceptions (The base path is C: \Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda\core\ActivationUI.exe).

# 4 Mass Effect Andromeda does not start

The game will not start until you download 42% of all files. Wait until the «Ready for Game» notification appears or wait for the full download.

# 5 Hero freezes in Mass Effect Andromeda

  1. Switch between battle and research mode
  2. Jump
  3. Open and close the scanner
  4. If it does not help, restart the game.

# 6 Mass Effect Andromeda hero stucked and can not get out

Use fast movement to the point

# 7 Graphics in Mass Effect Andromeda looks strange

If you use HDR and changed the display mode, press Alt + Tab to exit and enter

In the Radeon settings, turn off the HDR and turn it on again.

# 8 Problems with multiplayer in Mass Effect Andromeda

The game does not support the use of proxy servers or similar technologies

If you use a proxy or virtual private network (VPN), the system may not recognize this and make a decision that there are security problems

Disable the proxy, stop using VPN and try again.

This should help in the event of the following errors:

10044, 5800, 5801, 5802, 5803, 9001

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