The Witness guide: What to do and game map

The Witness — one of the few modern games that do not give you any guidance about what you need to do and where to go. Fortunately, it has guides!

This guide for The Witness tells you that you need to do in the game and provide an overview of the map. If you are confused and lost, then read. Attention! This guide contains spoilers, so do not read everything that is written below! There is no information on solving specific puzzles and mysteries, but in the future they will be if you ask.

The main objective of The Witness

In The Witness, you must solve all 600 puzzles, discover all the secrets and enjoy the fact that you have achieved this. However, many players will not take absolutely everything, so you can take as little as main objectives: enable an array of lasers aimed at the mountain, which is located on one side of the island.

The lasers are activated by performing puzzles in this zone. In addition to the mandatory puzzles, you will also encounter puzzles that serve as training tools or hide any secrets.

Puzzles are presented as a maze boards. All you need to connect the starting point to the finish, as each zone has its own rules. The definitions of these variations — the first part is solving the puzzle. Second — its collection.

The Witness has four different types of secrets.

  • Audio files.
  • Boards with puzzles that are not related to sequences or are not like other puzzles.
  • Theatrical keys — they can be found in a closed room. They are used to open short videos under the windmill.
  • Puzzles monuments – they need to find the glyphs on the terrain, linked with black columns, which can be found in different places.

Map of The Witness

The Witness

  1. Garden

    Variations of puzzles: No
    Trophy: no
    — Audio file # 1
    — Audio File # 2
    — Board with puzzles # 1

The first area in The Witness acts as a tutorial, introducing a slider and a board with a maze, as well as the energy flow from one terminal to another.

  1. White Door
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Collect all the points
    — Separate the black from white
    Trophy: no
    — Key # 1

Yet a full area, but important to the learning process. Shortly after the garden you will see a mysterious door on the left side of the road. Here you still will not know how to open it. Walk a little further down the road and find the two terminals, which will teach you two variations of puzzles. After completing them, you open the door and get inside secret.

  1. Artist’s Studio
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Symmetry
    — Distortion
    Trophy: Symmetry
    — Board with puzzles # 2

One part of the symmetry laser site — is the studio of artist, where you can warm up before you face something really challenging. Do not forget the switch at the end of the studio when you want all the puzzles inside. Now you cannot use it, but pay attention to it!

  1. Symmetry
    Variations of puzzles:
    — All terms
    — Symmetry
    — Invisible Symmetry
    — Tracking
    — Reflection
    Trophy: Symmetry
    — ???

In this area, you need to perform the remaining puzzle to activate the laser symmetry. The Witness then becomes more difficult using the design so that the decision can make a headache. After completing all of you can go with the remaining puzzles on the island.

  1. Desert Ruins
    Variations of puzzles: ???
    Trophy: ???
    — The monumental puzzle
    — Audio File # 3
    — Board with puzzles # 3
    In the process of decision …
  1. Quarry
    Variations of puzzles:
    — All terms
    — Separation of the black from white
    — Grace engine
    — Separation of colors
    Trophy: ???
    — Board with puzzles # 5

In a quarry you will discover an unusual type of puzzle, but in order to see everything you need to complete puzzle on the island. This area hides much more than is opened now. Updates later.

  1. Forest
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Shadow: positive
    — Shadow: negative
    Trophy: Forest Shadows
    — Audio file # 4

Located between the quarry, windmill and castle, laser art is associated with a series of puzzles in green and orange woods. To solve some puzzles you will require good smash for head — take a pen and paper to cross the decisions that have not worked.

  1. Windmill
    Variations of puzzle: different
    Trophy: ???
    — Board with puzzles # 4
    — The monumental puzzle

Windmill protects the entrance to the tunnels, which stretch across the island. It is the most direct route to the theater — if you open the door.

  1. Cherries
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Trees
    Trophy: ???
    Secrets: ???

The pleasant atmosphere of spring is hidden behind a windmill. It’s not clear what you get by opening the gates — perhaps it will become clear towards the end.

  1. The City
    Variations of puzzle: different
    Trophy: ???
    Secrets: ???

Various puzzles combining variations with different parts of the island. You should be sent here after you close the rest of the zone.

  1. Monastery
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Mask of prospects
    Trophy Monastery
    — The monumental puzzle

Shortest set of tasks to activate the laser, but it is not the easiest. You need to solve two sets of puzzles, but only after you will find a way to activate the board.

  1. Bamboo Forest
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Play yourself
    Trophy: ???
    Secrets: ???

This zone can be easy to miss, but if you see something strange, you are on the right track! Puzzles in this area can be very difficult for some players.

  1. Bunker
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Separation of colors
    Trophy: Bunker
    — Audio file

Located at one end of the mountain. Simply click on the vertical structure and defeat the elevator to activate the laser.

  1. Mount
    Variations of puzzle: different
    Trophy: ???
    — Key # 2
    — Classified with puzzles # 7

These are sent to all lasers. Especially there is nothing to do, until you activate them all.

  1. Swamp
    Variations of puzzles:
    — Tetris
    Trophy: ???
    Secrets: ???

In the marsh, you will find puzzles that look like blocks of Tetris. Solve puzzles, all eight would not be easy. In the process of passing.

  1. Mangroves
    Variations puzzles: ???
    Trophy: ???
    Secrets: ???

In the process of passing.

  1. Castle
    Variations of puzzles:
    — All terms
    — Tetris
    — The hedge-maze
    Trophy: ???
    — Board with puzzles # 6

The peculiarity of the castle is that you need to go inside of puzzles to solve them. When you come out of the tunnel in the center of the island, you will find one set of puzzles — but do not miss the labyrinth behind the fence!

  1. Ship
    Variations of puzzle: different
    Trophy: ???
    — Audio File # 5

What the red door is? In the process of passing. If you passed — write in the comments!

  1. Grail
    Variations puzzles: ???
    Trophy: ???
    Secrets: ???

Here you can find the statue of a man trailing the golden cup — this motif is found across all the island.

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